Thursday, April 03, 2008

where to next, ma'am?

Most of the projects I've shown lately (the exception being Mildred, I think) I took time one Saturday to cut out. I finally learned the wisdom of this. Usually when I cut I'm like Whodini, When we gonna get to the good part? But dedicating a day or two entirely to cutting helps with the process of staying in the moment and cutting, rather than dreading it because I'm ready to sew already. If I know there is to be no sewing, then I can stop torturing myself and just cut. And it's so nice to have a batch of projects at the ready; different things to sew according to the mood that strikes.

Now I'm ready to cut out a new batch, but need to decide what. Here's a list of possibilities:
  • Baby tops for Natalie's babies
  • Wee Bunnies for Natalie's babies (then I'll be Wee Bunnied out)
  • teeny tiny baby shoes for Natalie's babies
  • something for a friend I cannot name
  • the Lazy Gal's Quilt (need to cut and piece the backing for it)
  • birthday dress for me (gonna take the plunge)
  • lounge pants for me
  • 2-3 napkin sets like the ones I made for V for a sale next month
  • two girls' dresses for my shop
  • a scarf project for my father
  • a secret project for Gracie (unless I need help, then I'll come here and give up the goods)
  • another secret project for Gracie that's connected to the first
  • a quilt project for a sale next month (I don't have the fabric to start this yet).
If I look at this list and think I have to do it all by yesterday, it becomes a pain. But I'm not going to do that, because I (sorta) accept the concept of pacing. I'll let the list knock around in my head and make whatever changes tomorrow (hopefully, no additions, but I feel I'm forgetting something). I'll also decide which to get busy cutting.

It just dawned on me that I could group like with like here. Or cut things according to a theme. Hey now. The wheels are turning.

Important intellectual notes on the Whodini
link: Why did I love Jalil so much? He's the one in the black leather pants. I just knew we'd be married by now. And I was about to snicker at Ecstasy's white shorts, but my god, the man's legs were ecstasy indeed. Tennis, anyone?


Christie said...

Regardless of the decade, white leather shorts, black leather blazers san shirts and hats are HOT! HOT!!! HOT!!!! If only he had worn cowboy boots with that. The freaks do come out at night.

Natalie said...

Wow the 80's was full of bad fashion. The white leather short shorts. No one can get away with that anymore. No one.

Adrienne said...

No comment about the 80's lol

Anonymous said...

Me thinks you are one of those peoples, me included, who have so much sewing lined up and tons of patterns that it freaks us out and we end up just looking at everything and not getting into the sewing. The part I dislike is the pattern tracing, everything else is butta. So to overcome that deterent, just a bit, I have been tracing patterns for the last 2 many that I don't know what the heck I traced and not traced...
Anyways, first you sew your lounge pants so you can wear it whilst thinking about the rest. I'd say second is your birthday dress. The babies things can wait for summer when it is warmer and fun clothes are needed. 'cause new parents usually get tons of stuff but when they really need them, the presents have stopped coming. Then for sweet Gracie, again for the same summer things. Ok, and the remainder, uhhmmm, one after the other?!?.
Oh, did you see the lounge suit Cidell made some time back? I think it was from Burda a past magazine.

Day 17

Anonymous said...

I still love the colors in that Lazy Gal's quilt so of course that's my pick for the top of the heap :) And yes, Gracie loves getting packages from you but I won't tell her about the secret projects so there's no hurry.

Frank said...

I ADORE the quilt you're making! WOW!

And I dunno what sale you're selling those napkins at, but please put me down for 2 sets of 6... PLEASE!