Then he proceeded to make us a nice dinner.
Schmin is in the unfortunate position of being hit with a double whammy. My birthday and Mother's Day hang around together like double egg yolks. He's saving up some chips for my birthday, for which I have grandly requested a serger, to which he has replied, What the hell is that, Mom?
In my early years of motherhood, I didn't relate to Mother's Day, feeling too young and happening for it. People would hand me cards or flowers and I would think, No kidding? The holiday seemed more appropriate and suitable for my grandmother.
I said "early years," but that's not correct. It's only been in the last few that I've come around and thought, Oh, right, it's Mother's Day. Someone may want to feed me. I'm cool with that.
But I never expect anything. I find it too much a day of guilt and pressure and I don't want to add to that. It's also a day that can be hard on people who have lost their moms, which I know first hand. And, really, I'm not entirely sold on the idea of being lauded for doing something you're supposed to do in the first place, like mothering a child after you've given birth to it. I mean, it's not like you don't know going in that you're about to spend years busting granite. Just look at the time your mother had raising you.
Still, I know that all we humans are looking for in this world is a little love and recognition, and who am I to buck that? Hell, I haven't even managed to staunch the need in my own self. With the years does come realization, and better sense -- I wouldn't want it said about me now what my grandmother used to say when I was a stubborn kid, that I ain't got the sense God gave a fool. From this perspective, I see that mothers bear a lot, and go above and beyond a lot, and cry in the night and get up and do it anyway a lot. I wish all of us as many happy Mother's Days as we can stand, with a cherry on top.
That dinner looks fabulous! Lucky you. I remember you're a Taurus from your 100 things post. Me too. And mama's day is a quick wink for me. I LOVE my bday and I look forward to that way more mama's day. But a nice breakfast and a day free of chores is nice.
Happy Mother's day miss! That dinner looks amazing! So when is your birthday my fellow taurus?
OMG! That looks SOOOOOO good!!!!! Glad you had a good day!
You should be a proud mother. There I was on on mother's day, happy (well, elated) that my children would sit in a restaurant and eat bok choi without making a fuss (a first!). The meal looks amazing.
We should honor our mothers everyday but a little extra sugar one day to know you are appreciated is very nice. At least I think so. My animals ran down to Anthropologie and got me a sweater. Those critters are too much. They promptly started barfing on the bed this morning. A mama's duties are never done.
Wow, that shrimp dish looks goooood! And are those crescent rolls I spy?! Slurp!
Schmin has an awesome mom.
You're BOTH lucky! Glad you had a grand celebration.
Wow, I wish there was someone to cook like that for loookkkks soooo gooood! YUM!!
Where did he learn to cook like that?
So, I see you had a wonderful day with special treats, good.
That looks delicious! I'm glad you enjoyed your meal.
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