(Click for big baby love.)I am completely freaking over this child's cuteness. And tripping out over how fast she's growing. Remember
Gracie Bea in February? That was only last May, and look at her now. Just look at her. She knows exactly what she's doing. How do these things happen?
Here, she fiercely models her
Frida Pinafore.

I have to say it is so lovely of D, Gracie's mom, and so like her, to send along photos of the baby wearing the things I make. Not to be a bee-atch, but I find that not many people do that. It's too bad, because it really makes you feel connected to the person you're making things for. It really makes you feel the love.

Awwwwwwwwwwwww too cute, and don't say it...I'm about to go to bed! LOL
That's a whole heap of sugar, right there, yes it is...what a sweetie...Grace.
Stevie G.
She is soooo cute!
Oh my goodness! Where do you find all these adorable babies?! She's so pretty! She will hold me over until you can get some more photos of The Buddy. I just love that little face.
You do such beautiful work...that little dress makes me wish I had a little one again.
Little Gracie is destined for greatness, being inspired by the likes of Frida and Carla, that's for sure!
HOW BEAUTIFUL! The dress and the child. My goodness!
girl, people just don't know how they miss out on knitted perfection by NOT sending me a picture!
Your little girl is a darling and she is going to be one original fashinista!
Miss Gracie B is so sweet in her pinafore. I wish people would send me pictures too. I sometimes forget to take a snap in my rush to gift. Anywho. Oh she is sooo sweet. She is pure sugar.
Thanks, you all, for stopping by and taking in the sweetness!
Totally totally SWEET, just look at her on tippytoes, just beautiful.
She is sooooo huggable.
It goes to quickly sappmama, way too fast.
me again, Heather. Keep forgetting to sign. The pinafore is too darn cute too!
She is darling!!!
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