Last week I wasn't much in the mood for eye or any other kind of candy and I know I have a responsibility to make up for that. Luckily, I've got the mother of all eye candy in my bag of tricks.
Feast on this:

Oh my god! It's Gracie Bea! And she's wearing her
February Baby Sweater!

who can stand it? This baby is utterly adorable and, would you believe, at only 7 months, full of personality? I was soooo happy to meet her. I wanted to steal her but my friend Sandra, who drove me from NYC to the outskirts to see Gracie and her mom, would not let her go. Every time Gracie whimpered, Sandra would bulldoze me and Deatra (the child's mother, for cryin' out loud!) to snatch her up. It was all good, though, because I'll be getting more time in ASAP. Plus, I have to admit, the two of them did have chemistry.
I kept asking D where she got such a perfect little person. You know somebody for years and then, all of a sudden, you see her in a completely different light when she becomes a mother. I loved seeing my dear, dear friend living her dream of motherhood. She's so good at it. I knew she would be, but it was nonetheless a beautiful wonder to behold.
Oh, something funny. The second you pull out a camera, Gracie gets ready. I'm told it's because her dad stalks her like a paparazzo. She wasn't the least bit fussy about posing in the sweater. She did, however, christen it with YoBaby and pureed pears. This made me very happy. When it happened, I thought, It's truly hers, and she can live in it. I love that.
Mother of God. Look at those feet.The
blue February Sweater is hanging out over in
my new Etsy shop, hoping to find a home.
Awwwww, too, too, too cute!
Of course she is too cute for words.
I did not think it possible for that sweater to be any more darling. But I did not anticipate the world's cutest model! What a sweetheart.
Oh my goodness! Is that my Gracie??? Everyone knew we had chemistry; from the moment she set eyes on me and let out a blood curdling scream it was on! What a sweetheart she is and lucky to have such awesome parents as well.
Geez, I'm not trying to be anonymous -- the above comment is me -- Sandra! I'm clearly not a blogger, sorry Carla....
You know, it's a gorgeous sweater but seriously... OMG baby feet!
Gracie Bea is precious! I love her, that sweet baby.
That is a cute baby sweater (and baby). Is it the same as the one on Etsy? I can't tell, but this one looks like a garter stitch yoke. maybe I'm just tripping.
She's too cute!!
Oh – my!! What a beautiful child and sweater
Gracie's beauty is enhanced by the elegance of YOUR divinely designed cardigan, Miss Carla!
OH! Jeez! It's more than I can bear!
All of it - the face, the feet, the sweater. Aaaaargh! Too. Cute.
(Came to you by way of SnB LA. Great question on the Purl Bee. Isn't Purl just the most?!)
I am overwhelmed by the cuteness of Gracie Bea in her sweater. OVERWHELMED. She is too precious for WORDS.
And little tiny baby feet are about the cutest things on the planet. Seriously.
It looks like it fits her perfectly! She is definitely the cutest baby I've ever seen.
She is just way too cute in her sweater. But watch out, when they're this pretty this young––a martial arts class would be a wise investment for her. :)
Could that baby be any cuter? And your sweater is divine, of course.
the color of the sweater is so on!
she is so cute and the sweater is matches her own colours so wonderfully well. i think her mom will buy the blue one. i don't think she can do with just one for her little gem. it is a beautiful pattern as we have already agreed.
Good thing Gracie is in NY. Otherwise, I'd eat her up. Seriously. Just nibble on those cheeks for a while; I can just imagine her belly. YUM.
Oh, and the sweater? GORGEOUS. Even more gorgeous on a real, live model!
I LOVE how we're all swoony over Gracie! Thanks for sharing in the baby love with me.
And thanks for the wonderful comments on the sweater, too. :)
OMG! I truly can't stand it! YUM to infinity! xoxov
Thank you all so much for the sweet thoughts about our darling girl. She had such a great time visiting with her aunties Carla and Sandra and can't wait to see them again.
We just LOVE that sweater.
Yeah, D. I think you'd better come over here and put your foot down and make it known that Gracie is YOURS. Because I, er, some of us, want to steal her. :)
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