I thank you guys so much for all the wonderful comments on Gracie Bea's sweater. It was such a joy to be able to come here and share it. I'm hoping I haven't shared it too much. I don't want her mom to see it beforehand, but I'm afraid that if I contact her and say, Hey, don't read my blog, there's a surprise there for you and Gracie, she'll race over here as fast as her little fingers can carry her and look (I know I would). Maybe she already has (D -- if you have, act surprised!). Of course I could've just waited until
I knew she'd received it I had actually sent it off before I posted it, but y'all know how it is when you make something you love. You can't wait to show it to your friends and you can't wait to go back jack and do it again.
Sometimes, though, it would maybe be better if you could wait.
Feast your eyes on the modified February Baby Sweater.

If it were a trailer, it would be a double-triple-wide. A houser of at least twenty people. I'm using the Encore Worsted I got on sale at Black Sheep. The needles are size 8. No big deal. Except the body portion is disproportionately wide. The first sleeve came out giant like a tarp, so I ripped it and cast on fewer stitches. The teeny-tiny voice of knitting doom told me to consider picking up fewer body stitches too, but I called the devil a liar and kept on trucking. Now I'm on a trip to Rip City. Oh well.
It's just that I couldn't resist that adorable stockinette yoke, which a fellow
Zimmermaniac dreamt up, and I was in a race to bind off so I could finesse the whole deal with some sassy red buttons.
All is not lost. I spent Sunday cleaning my apartment, watching one of my all-time favorite movies,
Auntie Mame (Rosalind Russell, girl you know you needed to quit!), and working on the sweater. Looks like this Sunday I'll be doing more of the same. It's hard to get in a snit about that.
Very, very cute! Love the color too!
I love that stockinette yoke! My first February baby sweater was a learning experience too - my gauge was too lose and the lace pattern looked sloppy. I have another one lined up in red to have as a standby baby gift, and I'm hoping it'll come out better!
Love Auntie Mame!! What a great Sunday movie.
"Auntie Mame"!!?!!! That's one of my fave movies too! I want that furniture in her modern living room where the couches went up and down at the push of a button!
Baby sweaters are addicting to knit...small, fast.
oh yes the stockinette stitch yoke is very pretty too. and this one is quite addictive. did two last week myself for a little girl. and boy she looks so cute in it that i can hardly believe it.
so pretty! and girl there isn't anything wrong with a double-wide trailer... LOL.
I love the blue color and the delicate old-fashioned look of these sweaters you're making. I love baby clothes that look like they could have been from those sepia-tint pictures back in the day.
Thanks for the comments, guys.
Knititch, you did two last week? You must be in love with these sweaters, same as me.
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