Tonight's eye candy comes to you courtesy of Miss Ellen. A few shots from my b-day gathering Wednesday night. I took some photos myself, before my camera battery died, but I'm too tuckered out from all the celebrating to upload them so I'll post a few later. But it's no matter. Ellen's great at capturing the moment as it unfolds.
The spot.

Check out these two lovelies, Natalie and Valecia.

I have to say I had one of the best birthdays ever. I made out like a bandit, receiving everything from great handmade stuff (mwah, Ellen and Natalie), to delicious body products (Darcy, I'm having another birthday next week, wink wink), to gift certificates for cool stuff (Valecia, I'll be beating a path to Pulp tomorrow), to gorgeous flowers (Tami, you're the best. Next year wrap my flowers in that blouse!), to tickets to a show I'm thrilled I got a chance to see, featuring the world's most fabulous comedienne (thank you, Bubs. That was beyond sweet).
Much as I love all the loot I got (who wouldn't?), I love the time I got to spend with my friends even more. Ellen, I can't thank you enough for insisting that we go out to celebrate. I really needed that. (And thanks for these wonderful pictures too.)
Oh, Carlita...you're welcome. Any excuse to go out to dinner and I'm there!
I didn't expect to see you so soon, however....wink, wink. I almost fell off the balcony when I saw you walk into Black Sheep Knittery this morning!
Next week, we'll meet at the Yarn-a-holics Anonymous meeting.
I'm a little late, but happy birthday! I'm glad you celebrated it at somewhere so delicious! :)
Happy Birthday! By the way, you are an absolute knockout!
Although these words are late, they're not any less heart-felt: Happy Birthday Carla! I hope your year is all you hope it to be!
Glad you had a good time!!!
YEAH, YEAH, YEAH! Happy belated birthday to you! I'm glad you had a good time on your personal holiday.
BTW tell Ellen, I said her glasses are rockin!
After seeing the photos, it makes me REALLY wish I'd read my email sooner. Looks like you all had a great time. Happy Birthday to you!! And that photo of you on the sidewalk? You are, always have been and always will be beautiful.
Happy Birthday!! From the pictures it looks like you had alot of fun.
My birthday is May 29. I found your blog by way of My Life In Stitches blog.
The name you chose for the blog takes me back to the play Purlie. I think I still have a playbill for Purlie. I remember reading the play and I think I have to reread it again.
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