Next quarter, which starts next week, none of that. I means it. It'll help that I finished a massive project that I'd procrastinated on. I put it to bed.
All this is to say Hello! I'm coming around again.
I figure it's best not to make my comeback with a 50-concert extravaganza (which might be the death of me), but, rather, with a couple of good shows. I think I can manage that. Since I'm mostly decorating my house on the cheap these days, I'll focus on sharing the process here.
When I say on the cheap, I mean on the cheap. St. Vincent de Paul, Goodwill, Craig's List, and the Salvation Army are my friends; Ikea, a dear acquaintance. This means I've gotten things that require some fixin' up, and I'm hoping to do a lot of it while on vacation these few days.
For now, check out my art, all but one of which cost 5 bucks each.
Another thing I like just fine is buying myself end-of-quarter celebratory presents. Since this last one knocked me on my arse, I went for a treat that I've been wanting a loooong time. A typewriter. How cute is my little Olympiette?
I want to say thank you to everyone who dropped by and left a comment or two since I've been off working for The Man. I didn't have room to respond, until now, but I appreciate you all nonetheless. :)